Beat Sheet
Contemporary Hi-Concept Romance
WGAw Reg. # 1602380
Opening Image (1-2)
The End
Contemporary Hi-Concept Romance
WGAw Reg. # 1602380
Opening Image (1-2)
- In a Los Angeles chain restaurant, short-order cook EVAN FOLEY learns from the next shift’s cook that the film actress he idolizes, ANNABELLE “ANNE” WELLES, is shooting an outdoor scene nearby.
- He finishes his shift and heads for the shooting location.
- From behind the barricades, he watches as Anne and Hollywood’s bad-boy star, VANCE PIKE, shoot a love scene.
- As Evan watches Vance kiss the woman he wishes he could have in his arms, he mutters “Why not me?”
- A booming voice that only he hears, responds “Why not you?”
- His world begins to spin and he passes out.
- He revives to find the production crew of the film gathered around him relieved that he’s awake.
- They’re calling him Vance and he finds he’s on the shooting set.
- Outside the barricades, another group is around someone else who’s fainted. The man stands up, more annoyed than shocked to find himself where he is.
- As the new ‘Vance’ looks, he sees himself on the other side of the barricades.
- The new ‘Evan’ is incensed and tries to push his way onto the set, yelling that he’s Vance Pike as security guards restrain him.
- Vance lets himself be guided to a trailer to recover, seeing in a mirror that he’s now Vance Pike.
- Evan is put in a police car and taken away.
- A doctor can’t find anything wrong to have caused Vance’s fainting and the director wants Vance to film another take of the scene.
- Vance agrees, knowing he’ll get to kiss Anne Welles.
- He returns to the set, puzzling everyone with his kind behavior, so different from the Vance they know and suffer with.
- He learns the spectator causing a ruckus was arrested and taken away.
- He does the scene very differently and is applauded, Anne surprised.
- The day’s shooting finished, he’s led back to his trailer.
- Vance has no idea what’s going on or what to do about it. But he is now Vance Pike and what choice does he have? He can’t go back to his life as Evan Foley looking like Vance Pike, so he’ll have to assume Vance’s identity while the situation lasts.
- Vance allows the waiting limo to drive him to Vance’s house in the Hollywood Hills, the driver telling him he’ll pick him up at six A.M. for the next day’s location shooting.
- He uses Vance’s keys to get in, relieved to find no one else there.
- Security guards show up as he hasn’t reset the alarm.
- His personal assistant arrives, summoned by the security company.
- He assures them everything is fine, learning from his personal assistant, BRENDA, that she’s new and has an instruction book for attending to him which will give him much of the information he requires to play Vance.
- He has the worry that this will all end badly, but…
- Evan is sentenced to several weeks of psychiatric evaluation for fighting with the arresting officers while yelling that he’s Vance Pike.
- Vance studies his lines for the next day’s shoot, thrilled that he’ll get to act with Anne Welles.
- At the filming, he surprises Anne and everyone else with his new and charming demeanor, Anne suspecting it’s just the same Vance Pike with some secret agenda, almost certainly sexual.
- Vance is in “his” house, Brenda thrilled that her new boss seems to be warming towards her.
- Vance is in the shower when a hot girl opens the door on him, Vance suprising her by shooing her away until he’s ready.
- Dressed and downstairs, he finds the girl is his date and they’re to go to the trendy club FOOLS.
- He’s thrilled when he finds in the garage a Bentley, a Mercedes G500 Safari SUV, and a Lamborghini. The girl wants to take the comfortable Bentley, but Vance is thrilled at the opportunity to drive the Lamborghini.
- At the club, they’re ushered to the exclusive upstairs lounge where Vance is approached by fellow-star MATHEW BRENT who evidently has some sort of project in the works with Vance.
- Vance finally learns his date’s name is Candi who has some history with Brent.
- Candi is angry when Vance turns down her offer of a threesome and sends her on her way after they get back to his house.
- Vance’s agent calls him and is astonished when Vance tells him he doesn’t want to do any acting for a time unless it’s a project with Anne Welles.
- Vance attends the wrap party and asks Anne for a date but she turns him down.
- At home, he watches a video of Anne discussing her orphan foundation, Mentor House, that seeks to place older orphans with families.
- He attends an outdoor event at Anne’s Mentor House, surprising her with his being there, and even more when he appears to be genuinely interested in helping, Vance taking a special interest in a withdrawn eight-year-old girl, AMANDA LERNER.
- Evan is released from custody.
- Despite Vance being surprisingly nice, Anne again declines going out with him; but he thinks she’s weakening.
- When Vance returns home, he’s accosted by Evan and they finally agree that since neither knows how this happened, they’ll just have to make the best of it. Evan will use Vance’s contacts to break into the industry just in case they don’t change back – and his money is still his, not this imposter Vance’s.
- Evan makes Vance take him to Fools and Evan uses Vance to pick up Candi and her girlfriend.
- When Evan tells Vance he’s not using the power he gave him by being famous, Vance gets an idea of how to use it and leaves.
- He buys a map of the star’s homes to find where Anne lives and drives to her house, persuading her to see him.
- He explains his idea of taking the children and couples interested in adopting on day-long trips, using their fame to attract the couples to go along.
- Anne likes the idea and is amazed at Vance’s apparent sincerity. She’s actually getting to like him.
- Evan makes Vance introduce him to his agent, Evan annoyed at how the agent treats him.
- Vance and Anne take a group of orphans and couples to Disneyland, Vance spending much of the time with the eight-year-old Amanda. Anne is amazed at how Vance has brought her out of her shell, attracting a couple who will take in Amanda as a foster child with the idea of adopting her.
- Vance finds himself glad for her, but sad somehow, too. He’s attached to the little girl, both of them having agreed that “Sometimes magic happens.”
- After they return to Mentor House, Anne agrees to have a drink with Vance – their first date.
- Evan is annoyed that Anne went out with Vance while she blew him off when he was Vance.
- Evan makes Vance try a way to return them to their bodies by electric shock. They survive, but not by much.
- Vance, still attracted to cooking, looks into buying a small bistro.
- Anne calls frantic that Amanda has run away from her foster parent’s house.
- Vance picks up Anne and thinks how Amanda said she wanted to go to Disneyland again.
- They find Amanda outside the entrance to Disneyland, having used all her money to get there. After Anne lectures her on not scaring them that way ever again, Vance takes them all inside for another visit.
- Taking Amanda back to her foster parents, they agree they’ll all be in a movie together sometime, Anne to take Amanda to acting classes.
- Vance takes them to his house for a “special treat.” He makes a pirate ship cake that Anne and Amanda think is wonderful. He tells them of the restaurant he’s thinking of buying and Anne is enthusiastic, knowing the place.
- Amanda seems to withdraw and when Anne asks her what’s wrong, Amanda announces that she wants them to be her parents. “Why can’t I be with the people I love?” she asks. Vance silently asks the same thing.
- After dropping off Amanda and driving Anne to her house, Vance thinks to tell Anne his secret, but she stops him and takes him upstairs to make love.
- Vance returns to his house in the morning just as Evan is getting back from his own date.
- Evan is incensed as he guesses what happened for Vance in his night with Anne Welles, and he accuses the universe with the same magic words that started it all: “Why not me?”
- They both pass out and when they awaken they find Brenda hovering over them frantic.
- Vance is thrilled to be back in his own body, Evan less so. Vance fires Brenda immediately.
- Vance has a date with Anne at an upscale restaurant, and she’s almost instantly struck by how he’s back to his old self, no longer the sweet and caring man she made love with.
- She gets a call that Amanda has made her foster parents return her to Mentor House, refusing to live with them. Vance doesn’t want to go with her to talk with Amanda.
- Anne talks with Amanda about staying with her foster parents. Amanda tells her she knows that Anne loves Vance and they could be a family. Anne tells her she doesn’t love Vance, that he changes too much, and they’ll never be a family, though she and Amanda will always be friends.
- Evan is trying to keep things together by having the owner of the bistro agree to sell to him with the backing of Vance Pike.
- Evan goes to Vance’s and gets him to agree to put up the purchase price, Vance thankful Evan was so agreeable when he was in Vance’s body and could have screwed him over.
- Amanda rings the doorbell, having come to get Vance back together with Anne. Vance doesn’t know who she is, but Evan does and takes her back to Mentor House.
- Amanda wonders at how this unknown Evan knows so much about her while Vance seemed like someone she never met. Evan has to stop at the bistro to give the owner the sales papers, Amanda wondering as Vance was supposed to be the one buying this restaurant.
- Anne rushes out to meet them when they arrive at Mentor House. Amanda watches Evan as she says their shared belief that “Sometimes magic happens,” his reaction convincing Amanda she knows his secret, unbelievable as it might be.
- Evan thinks to blurt out his secret to Anne, but thinks it’s too late and too FANtastic, leaving.
- Amanda insists to Anne that this Evan was just like the old Vance while Vance was a stranger. But Anne just gets her to agree never to run away again, Amanda crossing her fingers behind her back as she promises.
- Evan is at the chain restaurant where he used to work, hiring Brenda to be the business manager at his new restaurant, his fellow cook to join him as well.
- He goes to Mentor House where he’s told that being single and not financially sound, it's unlikely he'll be approved to adopt Amanda. He talks about Anne and him having found Amanda when she ran away to Disneyland, but while the manager is sympathetic, his situation will have to improve before he seriously could be considered.
- As he leaves, Amanda watches him from the window.
- Anne arrives at Mentor House frantic that Amanda has disappeared yet again.
- She’s baffled when she learns that Evan Foley had been there seeking to adopt Amanda and mentioned how he and Anne found her at Disneyland when she first ran away.
- She rushes out, promising to locate Amanda.
- Amanda comes into the bistro where Evan is setting things up for the opening. Both of them know the truth and embrace.
- Evan tells her he doesn’t know how it happened and how they won’t let him adopt her, but that no matter what he’ll never leave her, they’ll always be friends.
- She asks and he agrees to make them their “special treat” before taking her back to Mentor House.
- Anne arrives at Vance’s house asking if he’s seen Amanda, Vance responding that they should lock up that little girl. He tells Anne that Evan is probably at his new restaurant and asks her to come in for a drink. Anne tells him, “It was never you,” and when he insists it was always him, says, “No, you’re an asshole.”
- She rushes off as Vance calls her a bitch and slams the door.
- Evan and Amanda are just sitting down to their pirate cake when Anne comes in and says, “You two are having our special treat without me? I don’t think so.”
- They all sit down together holding hands, Amanda pronouncing “It’s really true – sometimes magic happens!”
The End